We Worship You’re invited to come as you are as we gather every Sunday for a casual worship service. During this time of COVID-19, we are worshiping virtually. You can find the link to our 10:00 am worship service and our 11:o0 am Zoom Coffee hour. Pre-COVID, we met for Fellowship & Coffee with the Pastor at 9:30am, Praise & Worship Singing at 10:30am, and a Worship Service beginning at 10:45am. On the first Sunday of the month, we celebrated Holy Communion and followed the service with a potluck in our fellowship hall.
We Educate Weekly, we participate in a Bible/Book Study and a mid-week prayer service.
We Serve We partner with other community organizations to serve Saturday meals at The Lord's Diner, housed at the Salvation Army in Bremerton. We participate in community activities, such as the Kitsap Pride Festival and Brownsville Appreciation Days and support community groups, such as Stand Up for Kids and the Central Kitsap Food Bank. BUMC hosts Brownie Girl Scout Troop #44204. We’re in the process of forming an Early Response Team to assist with disaster responses nationwide. In partnership with Kitsap Harvest, we maintain a garden on our church grounds which helps grow organic food for the Central Kitsap K Food Bank. Globally, we support an orphan at the Jamaa Letu orphanage, in the Democratic Republic of Congo. We also assemble health kits for the United Methodist Committee on Relief. Learn more about current opportunities to serve here.
Join with us as we love and serve God and we love and serve our neighbor!
We would like to acknowledge that the land on which we gather is within the ancestral territory of the suq̀ʷabš “People of Clear Salt Water” (Suquamish People). Expert fishermen, canoe builders, and basket weavers, the suq̀ʷabš live in harmony with the lands and waterways along Washington’s Central Salish Sea as they have for thousands of years. Here, the suq̀ʷabš live and protect the land and waters of their ancestors for future generations as promised by the Point Elliot Treaty of 1855.